Stay Digital, Stay Human - Launch Event
Martedì 12 novembre, alle ore 12:30 nella sede di Challenge School a Marghera, si terrà il lancio dell'evento Stay Digital, Stay Human (il quale si terrà poi il pomeriggio dello stesso giorno in Via Torino). Verrà presentato il progetto "Implementazione e Analisi Sociologica, Organizzativa e Manageriale di progetti di Smart Manufacturing" Dgr 11/2018 Cod Prog 2120-12-11-2018.
12.30 | Registrazione partecipanti e Light Lunch
13.00 | Tavoli di lavoro
- Elena Bruni, L'importanza della leadership nei processi digitali
- Elisa Gritti, Digitalizzazione nell'impresa: un problema culturale?
- Stefania Tagliabue, Le sfide dell'ambiente di lavoro digitale
- Giulia Baretta, Digitaliza(c)tion: come cambia il design organizzativo nei processi aziendali
15.00 | Conclusioni
- Prof. Giovanni Vaia
- Prof. Ilan Oshri
- Prof. William DeLone
Iscrizioni :
16.00-19.00 Corner view. Leggi il programma QUI.
Progetto "Implementazione e Analisi Sociologica, Organizzativa e Manageriale di progetti di Smart Manufacturing" Dgr 11/2018 Cod Prog 2120-12-11-2018
Bridging the gap between human and artificial intelligence
Giovanni Vaia is Professor at Ca’ Foscari University Venice at the Department of Management where he teaches Digital Management and Global Sourcing and Digital Human Cloud.
Giovanni Vaia’s interests include organization design and general management with a specific focus on digital transformation, information systems, network governance and outsourcing.
Today he is the founder and the Scientific Director of the Digital Enterprise Lab (DEL) at Ca’ Foscari Venice. Digital Enterprise Lab (DEL) was founded to contribute to the scientific development in the digital area, where a strong integration of ICT, business strategy, marketing, organization and innovation are required. DEL supports companies in their exploitation of new technologies, and stimulates their process of innovation through the offering of educational courses and possible experimental instruments. Topics addressed at DEL may be applied in all kinds of business areas, e.g. Healthcare, Finance and Insurance, Consumer Goods and Retail, Fashion, Manufacturing, Multiutility, etc.